IncQuery Insights

“It Really Is a Time-Saver for Us”

Written by David Simanoff | Oct 7, 2022 5:26:00 PM

A project manager at a leading consulting firm in Europe remembers what it was like before his team began using IncQuery for its due diligence surveys. Each survey started with a Microsoft Word document, which grew longer and more complicated with every iteration. Authoring took a long time. So did ensuring all the logic was clear. 

“The whole process was a very tedious task,” he said. 

That’s no longer the case with IncQuery. “Compared to using Word, now it’s easy when we find an issue or something that doesn’t work – it takes maybe a few hours or a few minutes to resolve it without a lot of back and forth,” he said. 

That leaves more time for all the other tasks related to due diligence projects, he said. 

We reached out to the project manager to learn more about his IncQuery experience. Here’s what he told us. 

What are the benefits of using IncQuery? 

The first is definitely the whole interface, where you can quite quickly create questions and all of the coding and logic is done automatically through the platform. 

Also, there’s the service part of it – having dedicated resources from IncQuery. They make changes to the logic, especially when they are more complicated. 

We value the service that we’re getting. Multiple times throughout the day, if we have a question, we can leave a comment, and it’s quite quick, and someone will address it. 

What’s it like to use the IncQuery platform? 

Everything to do with creating the survey gets much, much simpler. It’s very intuitive, easy to use, and easy for us to send out surveys to partners and clients for review. I really like the export button. 

What can you do with IncQuery that you couldn’t before? 

I think it is getting the survey ready within one week when it used to take two weeks. It really cuts down on iterations back and forth. It really is a time-saver for us.   

What would you tell your colleagues about IncQuery? 

It makes surveys a much quicker, much shorter, much more effective process. It’s good quickly with really, really good support.